12th Riga VIS Pre-Moot: Last Shot Rule vs Knockout Principle – How to win the Battle of Forms under the CISG

Oliver Loksa, KNOETZL Counsel, addressed legal practitioners and other participants at a conference held on February 22nd through the 24th in Latvia, on the occasion of the 12th Riga VIS pre-Moot on the Battle of Forms under the CISG. The event was organized by Inga Kacevska, MCIArb, Associated Professor, University of Latvia and Attorney at Law, Riga, and the ICC…


KNOETZL is proud to participate, along with other global elite law firms in, and providing the Austria Chapter for, this newly published seminal work on the critically important area of internal corporate investigations. The book, entitled The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations, is the product of a rare, concerted, effort by several of the world’s most distinguished…

Anlegerschaden im internationalen Verfahrens- und Privatrecht

Beim Thema Anlegerschaden im internationalen Verfahrens- und Privatrecht setzte sich der OGH in jĂĽngster Zeit mehrfach mit der Frage auseinander, welche Gerichte fĂĽr ErsatzansprĂĽche aus Anlegerschäden (insbesondere in Folge fehlerhafter Kapitalmarktinformationen) international zuständig und nach welchem Recht derartige AnsprĂĽche zu beurteilen sind. Die Fragestellungen verlaufen im internationalen Verfahrensrecht und auch im internationalen Privatrecht weitgehend parallel. Dies gilt insbesondere…

Advancing in The Rankings – Chambers Europe 2018

KNOETZL thanks our clients and many co-counsel law firms across the globe for reviewing our work and allowing us to further progress our recognition in the legal market. In its newly-released Chambers Europe 2018, this market-leading international directory, ranked our firm among a very small number of Austria’s most highly decorated firms (of any description) by the organization. KNOETZL appreciates…

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